We'll Miss U, Michael J.

In a good way, you will never grow up again in your Neverland from above...or beneath...><... A greater deed paid for a great debt. When talking about debt, well, you surely have or had a lot of it!! ><.... Now you may never need to worry about that any more... XD Good for you! Anywho, you surely made a milestone for colored people/ African American. Not only in a entertainment business but in the White House as well. You all knew what/ whom I meant. >_O~ There would not be Beyonce, Will.i.am, or even 50 cents if you have never stood out! Set aside those scandals about you and your "interests." I'm sure no one is perfect. Even Hannah Montana sings/ says so!! :) Just... rest in peace then. Do not wake up like your MV "Thriller" ><... haha! but if you do, I think there will be a huge, warm welcome from all over the world!! (smile!!) heehee!
and for the last time... We will gonna miss u, Michael Jackson!