Sanzi Family Trip 全家遊三芝~不是你家喔!

Sanzi Family Trip 全家遊三芝~不是你家喔!
終於帶了全家~少一個三姐~去三芝出遊走春 ~雖然櫻花掉光光了~剩下一些殘枝~但還是 玩得很開心~又去吃小籠包和德國豬腳~希望 下次能早一點來~好多都沒玩到!!!
Finally~get my family (except Tracy, busy at work) to visit Sanzi! Although the cheery flowers were shatters cause the heavy rain days before, there's some left. the temple is so great and we of cause were having a big feast at Smocky Inn! We had a lot of fun there for sure! Hope we could come next time earlier for more spots to visit!

寄件者 Sanzi Family Trip 全家遊三芝~不是你家喔!


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